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California is a state where dog bites can be a problem. In fact, California has had the highest number of deaths out of all fifty states over the past few years. These attacks were mostly in Southern California and San Diego. San Diego County Department of Animal Services examines 2,500 or more dog bite incidents each year. Do you want to know some dog bite prevention tips? Keep reading.
It is a good idea to understand the California laws governing dog owners’ civil and criminal liability about what happens when a bite report is made.
At least half of the 800,000 Americans who receive medical care for dog bites are children. The most common victims of animal or dog bites are children. They are also more likely to suffer serious injuries, especially in the neck and head area.
Dog bites that affect younger children are most common during normal activities, and when interacting with dogs familiar to the child. This could be the family dog or another dog known in the family. prevention begins at home since most dog bites are caused by family dogs.
Dog Bites Can Be Prevented, but These Injuries Are on the Rise
Dog bites can account for up to 40% of all pediatric injuries. A study conducted by the NCBI found that head and neck dog bites disproportionately affect pediatric patients. One-third of the head and neck injuries involved pit bull terriers. These injuries were severe, required nearly twice as much specialist consultation, and resulted in a higher rate of surgical exploration and repair. Their study is aimed at improving early treatment standards and developing preventive measures to treat these resource-intensive injuries.

A Dog Bite Prevention Tips on How to Prevent Dog Bites in Children
- Nearly one out of five people who are bitten by dogs require medical attention. The majority of head, neck, and face injuries in children occur on the head. Dog bites can be prevented by parents taking simple precautions.
- You should never leave a child alone with any dog. This includes the family dog or even a well-behaved dog that you are familiar with. Any dog can bite.
- If you allow your child to play aggressive dog games, like tug-of-war or wrestling, it can lead to bites.
- Teach your children to ask the dog owner’s permission before petting any dog.
- Avoid touching the face or tail of a dog. Try to pet the dog gently, and avoid eye contact at all costs.
- Do not disturb a sleeping, eating, or nursing puppy dog. Even if they are familiar with the person, dogs will react more aggressively to these situations.
- Teach your children to be calm and move slowly around dogs.
- Teach your kids to remain calm if the dog starts acting aggressively. They should avoid eye contact with the dog, and slowly back away until the dog loses its interest and leaves.
- If you or your child is knocked over by a dog, roll up and cover your face and eyes with your hands & arms.
- Never scream and run away from a dog.
- Report the bite immediately to an adult.
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How to Treat Dog Bites
What to do when a dog bites a child:
- Ask the dog owner to provide proof of the rabies vaccine, as well as the owner’s contact information and name. You should also request the name and telephone number of the veterinarian who is familiar with the dog’s vaccination history and records.
- As soon as possible, wash the wound immediately with soap and warm water.
- Call your pediatrician immediately because the bite could require antibiotics, tetanus, and rabies vaccines. You can also ask the doctor to help you report the incident to authorities.
- If your child is severely bitten, call 9-1-1 immediately or take him to the emergency room.
- Tell the doctor at the emergency room about the tetanus status of your child, the dog’s vaccination status (or give the veterinarian’s contact information), the owner of the dog, and if the dog has ever bitten before.
- Follow your doctor’s advice to ensure healing.
Recommendations to Dog Owners
- Reduce aggression by neutering or spaying your dog.
- Socialize and train your dog properly before bringing it into the house.
- If the dog develops aggressive or undesirable behaviors, seek immediate professional advice. If the dog begins to exhibit aggressive or unwanted behaviors, you should immediately seek professional advice (e.g.
- Playing aggressive games (e.g. wrestling, tug-of-war).
- When your dog is outside your property, keep it on a leash.
Reporting A Dog Bite In California
In California, many dog bites are not reported because of loyalty towards the owner, whether it is a family member or neighbor. Reporting a dog attack to the appropriate agency is not only helpful for the victim but also beneficial to society. You should seek medical attention immediately if a California dog has been bitten. Then, report the incident to the proper agency.
You can get detailed instructions from the Animal Control Agency in your area on how to file a report. You may also be instructed to notify the local police and health department of the dog bite. Vet records will show if a dog has received its rabies shot. If the dog’s rabies shot is not up to date, or it’s a stray then you might have to get rabies shots.

Report the Dog Bite To Your Local Animal Control, Then a Dog Bite Lawyer
A personal injury attorney can provide you with more information about how to prove your case and evaluate any settlement offers from an insurance company or dog owner. A California dog bite attorney will ensure that you receive the full amount you are entitled to under the law. Anyone who has been bitten by a canine is at risk for rabies. Contact your local police or animal control department to report the bite.
- You should not vaccinate a dog if you do not know whether it has been immunized against rabies.
- If your dog is sick or acting in a strange way.
In civil court, you can recover compensation for injuries if you report the dog bite. Even relatively minor dog bites or scratches can lead to chronic pain that costs several thousand dollars. Dog bite victims may also be entitled to compensation for psychological damages, such as stress or a sudden fear of dogs. Contact the owner if possible and confirm that the animal is vaccinated against rabies.
If a dog has bitten you or a loved one in California, then call Tenina Law and Her Team of dog bite injury experts at Tenina Law. Hope this dog bite prevention tips helps you.
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