BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION NOW! In Hurry? Dial +12-135-960-265 Now! California is a state where dog bites can be a problem. In fact, California has had the highest number of deaths out of all fifty states over the past few years. These attacks were mostly in Southern California and San Diego. San Diego County Department...Read More
BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION NOW! In Hurry? Dial +12-135-960-265 Now! California law contains provisions that address this matter; the outcome depends on the specific circumstances surrounding a minor dog bite incident and the events leading up to it. One insurance company reported that California experienced more dog bites per capita than any other state in...Read More
BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION NOW! In Hurry? Dial +12-135-960-265 Now! There can be various outcomes when taxpayers become delinquent in paying the IRS their money due. Each case will consider different factors to resolve it as quickly and fairly as possible for everyone involved in that case. When considering any outcome of an offer in...Read More
BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION NOW! In Hurry? Dial +12-135-960-265 Now! Personal accident and injury coverage often leads to confusion when discussing insurance policies, leading to questions such as, Do they mean the same? While they might sound similar, personal accident and injury cover provide different purposes and address different circumstances. Knowing their differences will enable...Read More
BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION NOW! In Hurry? Dial +12-135-960-265 Now! When hiring a personal injury attorney in California, your expectation may be for them to represent your interests until completion. Unfortunately though, sometimes this happens, and understanding why and what steps need to be taken next can help make things less overwhelming for both of...Read More
BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION NOW! In Hurry? Dial +12-135-960-265 Now! For survivors of sexual assault, the road to justice is long and daunting. The psychological and emotional marks may take years, sometimes a lifetime, as the case proceeds or does not. Although the pervasiveness of trauma can be constant, the period within which a victim...Read More
BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION NOW!In Hurry? Dial +12-135-960-265 Now! You may be drowning in debt, or simply managing an increasing amount. One of your first questions will be: Can I file bankruptcy and keep my vehicle? Maybe you don’t often give it much thought as you drive to work, to pick up your kids or...Read More
BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION NOW! In Hurry? Dial +12-135-960-265 Now! It is a very sad thing to see a bankruptcy case dismissed. This is for many reasons. Failure to comply with the bankruptcy code will result in the dismissal of your bankruptcy case. Seek legal advice from an experienced bankruptcy attorney before filing. You will...Read More
BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION NOW! Do you know how long does a motorcycle accident lawsuit take? Most cases are settled outside of court in six to twelve months. It is important for those seeking compensation for medical costs, pain and discomfort, and other accident-related damages to understand the claims process, as well as the factors...Read More
The IRS audit notice can ruin your day remember this! So can the IRS go back in time to audit you? Internal Revenue Service audits usually go back three years, but exceptions exist. BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION NOW!Read More