As bankruptcy is an effective means of stopping creditors from garnishing your wage, declaring it could help stop wage garnishments or recover wages already taken through garnishment immediately, although certain restrictions apply. This guide provides more insights into wage garnishment and bankruptcy issues. BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION NOW!In Hurry? Dial +12-135-960-265 Now!Read More
BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION NOW! In Hurry? Dial +12-135-960-265 Now! There can be various outcomes when taxpayers become delinquent in paying the IRS their money due. Each case will consider different factors to resolve it as quickly and fairly as possible for everyone involved in that case. When considering any outcome of an offer in...Read More
BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION NOW!In Hurry? Dial +12-135-960-265 Now! You may be drowning in debt, or simply managing an increasing amount. One of your first questions will be: Can I file bankruptcy and keep my vehicle? Maybe you don’t often give it much thought as you drive to work, to pick up your kids or...Read More
BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION NOW! In Hurry? Dial +12-135-960-265 Now! It is a very sad thing to see a bankruptcy case dismissed. This is for many reasons. Failure to comply with the bankruptcy code will result in the dismissal of your bankruptcy case. Seek legal advice from an experienced bankruptcy attorney before filing. You will...Read More
Setting up a repayment plan is crucial as soon as you realize you have unpaid taxes. Have you known that you owe the IRS? The most important thing for a taxpayer to do in order to reduce penalties and costs associated with an IRS notification is to act immediately. Contacting the IRS often needs to...Read More
BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION NOW! Filing for bankruptcy is a great way to get your finances in order. It can be difficult to navigate the bankruptcy process on your own, as bankruptcy involves legal issues. Although you can file the case yourself, experts recommend that you hire a bankruptcy attorney in Pasadena to help you....Read More
Tenina Law and its team of Los Angeles bankruptcy attorneys have helped thousands of people and families find effective debt relief. Alla Tenina can help you get real, fast and effective debt relief if you are struggling with overwhelming credit card debts, mortgage payments that are too high, personal loans, student loan debt, medical bills...Read More
Filing for bankruptcy is a significant financial decision that can provide relief to individuals overwhelmed by debt. However, it comes with restrictions and consequences that you must understand. After filing bankruptcy, there are several actions you are not allowed to take. For example, you cannot discharge specific debts such as recent taxes, child support, or...Read More
1. Contact the Debt Collector or Creditor to Negotiate a Payment Plan You may be able to negotiate a payment plan, or settlement if the original creditor has sold your debt. This is because debt collectors purchase debts for pennies per dollar. You’ve stopped a wage garnishment from happening if you can agree on a...Read More
Running a business is no easy task. From managing operations to balancing finances, business owners often face numerous challenges. When financial troubles begin to overwhelm your company, the thought of filing for bankruptcy might seem like an admission of failure. However, bankruptcy can actually be a valuable tool to help businesses regain control and emerge...Read More