On average, settlement amounts for these claims tend to fall between $10,000 and $50,000 – however, this average does not give us the full picture; alternative options exist beyond just these figures alone. What are the slip and fall cases settlement amounts and its factors? What factors impact the settlement of my slip and fall...Read More
Tenina Law’s Personal Injury Attorneys in Sherman Oaks, California, are highly seasoned personal injury lawyers, specialize exclusively in personal injury law, and have an exceptional track record for success in getting compensation to victims of car accidents. Let us put our experience and knowledge behind your side if an incident has left you injured! No-committal...Read More
Losing a family member can be heartbreaking enough; when someone else’s negligence contributed to his or her demise, that grief becomes exponentially worse. You need answers quickly when making important decisions about filing a wrongful death suit and have many decisions ahead. When faced with so much uncertainty it can feel impossible. A Wrongful Death...Read More
Does California consider emotional distress a personal injury? Yes. California law permits anyone suffering from it as the result of someone else’s negligent or intentional acts to pursue legal action for compensation. Your emotional distress and other noneconomic damages could qualify you for compensation; similarly, financial compensation might apply in cases involving accidents that have...Read More
What Qualifies as a Case for a Wrongful Death Lawsuit? Filing a wrongful death lawsuit may provide the family with the funds needed for them to cope after a sudden and untimely loss however, not everyone qualifies. Understanding what constitutes wrongful death compensation will assist your efforts at recovering compensation and recovery more efficiently. BOOK...Read More
BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION NOW! In Hurry? Dial +12-135-960-265 Now! California is a state where dog bites can be a problem. In fact, California has had the highest number of deaths out of all fifty states over the past few years. These attacks were mostly in Southern California and San Diego. San Diego County Department...Read More
BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION NOW! In Hurry? Dial +12-135-960-265 Now! California law contains provisions that address this matter; the outcome depends on the specific circumstances surrounding a minor dog bite incident and the events leading up to it. One insurance company reported that California experienced more dog bites per capita than any other state in...Read More
BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION NOW! In Hurry? Dial +12-135-960-265 Now! Personal accident and injury coverage often leads to confusion when discussing insurance policies, leading to questions such as, Do they mean the same? While they might sound similar, personal accident and injury cover provide different purposes and address different circumstances. Knowing their differences will enable...Read More
BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION NOW! In Hurry? Dial +12-135-960-265 Now! When hiring a personal injury attorney in California, your expectation may be for them to represent your interests until completion. Unfortunately though, sometimes this happens, and understanding why and what steps need to be taken next can help make things less overwhelming for both of...Read More
BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION NOW! In Hurry? Dial +12-135-960-265 Now! For survivors of sexual assault, the road to justice is long and daunting. The psychological and emotional marks may take years, sometimes a lifetime, as the case proceeds or does not. Although the pervasiveness of trauma can be constant, the period within which a victim...Read More