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(213) 596-0265
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Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle Accident attorneys

A California Motorcycle Accident Attorney You Can Trust

With over 20 years of experience and a 98% success rate, our lawyers have helped thousands of California residents and won millions of compensation. If you suffer from an injury, contact us now!

Recovering compensation after a motorcycle accident can be challenging due to insurance regulations and unscrupulous insurers. That’s why injured riders or their representatives must seek the assistance of an experienced attorney who specializes in handling such claims.

At Tenina Law, our attorney have a wealth of experience in dealing with insurance claims. We achieved a remarkable $47.5 million verdict for one rider who suffered injuries in a head-on collision. Our dedicated team is committed to helping motorcyclists obtain the compensation they deserve, which can cover various losses such as medical expenses and property damage.

If you’ve been involved in a motorcycle crash, you may have grounds for legal action. To learn more about our accomplished attorney and how they can assist you, we invite you to fill out our free case review form. Take the first step towards pursuing justice by reaching out to us today.


Our Motorcycle Accident Process

1. Send a Case Evaluation for Free

You can check if you are eligible immediately.

2. You Will Receive a Call From Us

Our experts will guide you through the case and gather all of the information necessary to win it.

3. Let’s Get to Work

From the beginning to the end, our attorney will handle every aspect of your case. You do not pay until you win.

Ready to talk to our Accident Lawyers?

Motorcycle Accident FAQs

Why Should I Contact a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer?

Injured riders may encounter challenges when seeking compensation after a crash if they lack legal representation. Unlike vehicles with four wheels, motorcycles are not required to carry Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance in certain states. This means that even if the at-fault driver has PIP insurance, motorcycle accidents are not covered. 

Uninsured motorcyclists may face difficulties in paying for costly medical bills, especially if their injuries prevent them from working. Having an attorney can help you navigate your options if you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, including pursuing compensation for medical expenses and other losses, which can be further complicated by potential medical malpractice issues.

Acting promptly and contacting an attorney immediately after the accident is crucial. This allows them to start gathering crucial information and evidence to support your compensation claim. Your attorney can assist in building your claim by collecting scene and police reports, obtaining witness statements, photographing the accident scene, investigating the other driver’s driving record, reconstructing the accident, reviewing medical records, consulting with experts, and liaising with insurance companies on your behalf.


Why Choose Tenina Law for Your Motorcycle Accident Case?

Tenina Law’s team of motorcycle accident lawyers is highly knowledgeable in the specific laws that govern motorcycles, which differ from those about auto accidents. Additionally, they possess extensive experience in dealing with insurance companies. Our firm has access to top experts, such as accident reconstructionists and medical professionals, who provide invaluable support in building strong cases. 

Our attorney have a demonstrated history of successfully recovering compensation for injured motorcyclists, including notable cases such as a $6.5 million motorcycle accident verdict and a $20 million crash verdict in Los Angeles.


Motorcycle Accident Injury Claims

If the motorcyclist is not at fault, they may be entitled to compensation. Unlike PIP coverage, which has limitations, motorcyclists are not restricted in seeking damages to compensate for their losses. This includes damages for pain and discomfort, which are not covered by PIP. 

While PIP applies to motor vehicle accident claims and requires the injured party to meet a “threshold injury” before pursuing compensation against the negligent party, motorcycle riders do not have to meet this threshold. They can seek compensation for various losses, such as medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and discomfort.

Insurance Negotiations

Following an accident, your attorney will contact the insurance company of the at-fault party to negotiate a settlement. They will leverage the gathered information to seek compensation for your expenses. If negotiations with the insurance company prove unsuccessful or unsatisfactory, you may have the option to pursue legal action, and your attorney can guide you through this process.


Motorcycle accident lawsuits fall under personal injury law, which revolves around the concept of negligence. Your attorney will need to demonstrate that the other driver was negligent by failing to adhere to a reasonable standard. They will investigate the incident, examining factors such as whether the other driver was following traffic laws, paying attention to their surroundings, or driving under the influence.

Product Liability

It is possible that a defect in either your vehicle or the other party’s vehicle caused the accident. In such cases, you may have grounds to file a lawsuit against the manufacturer to seek compensation for your injuries. Your attorney will investigate the vehicle to determine if it was defective before the accident. They will collaborate with forensic experts to assess factors such as whether the defective motorcycle or part posed an “unreasonable hazard,” whether the motorcycle was being operated as intended, and whether its performance had changed since purchase.

Wrongful Death

If you have lost a loved one in a motorcycle crash, you may be eligible to file a wrongful death lawsuit. An attorney can assist the family in establishing that the negligence of the other driver was the cause of the victim’s death.


What Compensation Can Be Recovered in a Motorcycle Accident?

Our attorney are here to assist you in obtaining compensation whether you are engaged in negotiations or litigation with an insurance company or a negligent party.

  • Past and Future Medical Costs: Victims of motorcycle accidents can seek compensation for medical expenses such as hospitalization, emergency care, and surgery, provided the injuries are directly connected to the accident.
  • Lost Wages: Motorcycle accident victims may be entitled to compensation for lost wages. If the accident had not occurred, they could have earned a higher income. Victims can claim compensation for time taken off work due to their injuries.
  • Pain and Suffering: Motorcyclists who are not covered by PIP insurance have the potential to file a lawsuit seeking compensation for pain and suffering. The type of injury and the extent of the pain are taken into consideration to determine if the victim is eligible for compensation.
  • Mental Anguish: Victims or their families can also receive compensation for emotional distress experienced after the incident. Emotional pain includes feelings of fear, embarrassment, and worry.
  • Loss of Consortium: In cases where a motorcycle accident results in wrongful death, the surviving spouse may be compensated for the loss of services, assistance, help, companionship, and societal interaction. Parents who have lost their children due to wrongful death can receive compensation for the loss of affection, love, and companionship. Minor children may also be compensated for the loss of services, assistance, help, companionship, and societal interaction resulting from the wrongful death of their parents.


Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Driver negligence is a common cause of motorcycle accidents. Some negligent acts that can lead to accidents include:

  • Swerving into the path of a cyclist.
  • Cutting off motorcyclists at intersections.
  • Exceeding the posted speed limit.
  • Failing to yield the right-of-way when necessary.
  • Failing to maintain a safe distance between vehicles.
  • Failing to notice a motorcycle changing lanes or merging.
  • Neglecting to pay attention to other drivers on the road.
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Furthermore, motor vehicle drivers who fail to exercise proper care when making left-hand turns at intersections are more likely to cause accidents involving motorcycles than those who are unaware of the presence of motorcyclists.


Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries

If you or a loved one have been injured in a motorcycle crash, you may be entitled to compensation. Additionally, please feel free to contact us if you have experienced any form of personal injury. Our team of specialized attorney is here to assist in various areas of law and is dedicated to helping you.


Contact Our Accident Attorney for a Free Case Evaluation

When it comes to motorcycle accidents, Tenina Law is the trusted legal partner you need. Our skilled team of attorney is dedicated to advocating for your rights and seeking the compensation you deserve. 

With a deep understanding of motorcycle laws and extensive experience in handling these cases, we are well-equipped to navigate the complexities of your situation. From investigating the accident to negotiating with insurance companies, we will provide you with personalized attention and unwavering support. 

Contact Tenina Law today to schedule a confidential consultation and let us fight for your justice.

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If you need any helps, please feel free to contact us. We will get back to you with in 1 business day. Or if in hurry, just call us now.

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info@teninalaw.com Mon – Fri 09:30-18:00

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At Tenina Law we have over 20 years of experience and dedication to serving our clients. Our extensive expertise in these practice areas guarantees the best outcome for all of our clients!

Each of our clients are treated like family and just another case. Our personal approach leads to better results for the client.

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