Selecting a Tax Attorney
A tax lawyer is a lawyer that concentrates on taxation issues. Tax law is a field of civil law in which governmental or public bodies, including state, national and local government bodies, employ a body of laws and regulations to legally assess and collect revenues from individuals or organizations for the payment of taxes. The tax laws of various countries differ; some countries levy direct taxes on individuals or businesses while some tax goods and services at wholesale or retail prices. Tax law in California is a field that has been under sustained attack by tax collection agencies since the early part of this century. The time might come where you will need someone who knows tax law. This article gives some insight when you’re selecting a tax attorney.
The increasing complexity of tax laws and the problems faced by taxpayers have necessitated the need for specialized tax attorneys throughout the country. The growth and development of the Internet have made it easy for people to find competent tax attorneys. These lawyers are equipped with the latest tax training and knowledge and are experienced in representing their clients in tax court. Tax attorneys can advise and represent individuals, corporations, non-profit organizations, the states, other governmental agencies, and even nonprofit organizations. A tax attorney’s area of specialization is taxation.
Tax law firms in California have a wide practice area. They may specialize in one or more of these areas: estate planning, probate, insurance, copyrights, patents, financial planning, business, labor and employment, corporate law, estate planning, consumer protection, personal injury litigation, patent law, tax planning work, Social Security, tax fraud and work-related issues. Most tax law firms may also deal with other tax issues, including immigration, payroll and employee benefits, sales and distribution, gift taxes, and criminal tax matters. The scope of practice of a tax law firm may extend to other states in the U.S. or to certain foreign jurisdictions where they have offices.
A tax lawyer may also provide tax planning services to individuals, businesses, and corporations. Their services can include preparing federal and state tax returns, reviewing federal and state tax returns, providing advice concerning the tax liability, collecting outstanding tax liabilities, advising on tax debt resolution, and assisting with deferred tax reporting. A tax lawyer can also prepare federal tax forms and instructions, prepare IRS audit reports, represent clients in audit proceedings, advise on resolving tax liability with the IRS and prepare and file a tax return. Tax attorneys can also represent taxpayers before IRS auditors and represent IRS agents in court proceedings.
Tax policy specialists are knowledgeable about current corporate tax policy. Corporate tax policy is an extremely important part of any business’s internal management policies. A corporate tax lawyer can help businesses secure beneficial tax laws that will benefit the business. A corporate tax lawyer can draft and manage a company’s corporate tax policy and can handle the implementation of those policies.
Tax attorneys must be licensed with the state bar association in their state. All states require law firms and individual tax attorneys to be licensed. Tax lawyers must pass the bar examination in each state in which they practice. Bar exam requirements vary from state to state, so it is best to refer to a state’s state bar association for specific requirements. Before selecting an attorney to work on one’s case, it is important to make sure that the attorney is a perfect fit for the case’s issues and priorities. Contact us today to speak to an experienced tax attorney.