Why Should I Hire a San Fernando Valley Bankruptcy Lawyer?
Only a San Fernando Valley bankruptcy lawyer can help you start your journey towards debt relief. Tenina Law’s bankruptcy lawyers will first advise you if bankruptcy is the right option for you.
There are many types of bankruptcy filings, including Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. This may impact the type of bankruptcy filing you choose if you are a business owner. Most people don’t know where to begin without the help of an experienced bankruptcy attorney.
Your San Fernando Valley bankruptcy lawyer will examine your debts and determine if there are any special risks or difficulties. Your attorney will review your debts and provide information about your income, assets, expenses, debts, and other pertinent information to help you decide on the best course.
Why a Bankruptcy Lawyer Is Worth It
An experienced bankruptcy attorney in San Fernando Valley will quickly spot any potential problems and plan accordingly. This is the biggest benefit for you. These are just a few of the many benefits that a qualified bankruptcy lawyer can bring to your case.
Bankruptcy Planning
- Consider alternatives to bankruptcy. You might be able to get financial freedom. Your attorney can suggest a bankruptcy alternative if bankruptcy is not an option.
- Choose which type of bankruptcy you want to file. Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 have different goals and serve different purposes. Chapter 7 can help you get rid of a lot of debt quickly, but it won’t save your house if your payments are behind schedule. Your attorney will take into account your goals and preferences and recommend a course of action to help you reach them.
Bankruptcy Preparation
- Use the means test. The means test determines if you are eligible for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. A bankruptcy lawyer in San Fernando Valley will help you understand how to best use the special circumstances that you have.
- Value your property. Your attorney will help you value and disclose your assets accurately.
- Select and apply exemptions. Each state has its own exemption system that we can use to protect property during bankruptcy. Your attorney will help you understand the exemption rules and protect you as much as possible.
- Determine Discharge of Debts. Some debts don’t get wiped out (discharged) in bankruptcy. Other debts can be discharged only if certain conditions are met. Your attorney will help you determine which debts will be eliminated and which will remain.
During Your Bankruptcy
- Fill out the forms and paperwork. Under penalty of perjury, you will submit pages of financial information about your income, debts, assets, and most recent transactions. Tenina Law will help you determine what information to disclose, how to value assets, what income is, which tax returns to provide, and many other important issues.
- Your attorney will guide you through the bankruptcy case. Your bankruptcy attorney in San Fernando Valley will explain and prepare you for what’s ahead.
- Give accurate and complete testimony. Under penalty of perjury, you must sign the bankruptcy paperwork. You will tell the court that the information is accurate to your knowledge. You will then swear or affirm your truthfulness at the meeting of creditors as well as in court.
- Deal with creditors who violate the automatic stop. Sometimes creditors don’t know when they should stop collecting. Your attorney can ask the court to order compliance if a creditor violates the automatic stay.
- Talk to your creditors. Your bankruptcy lawyer in San Fernando Valley can negotiate a redemption agreement with a secured creditor. This will allow you to keep your car or house. Your Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney will negotiate terms and the value of collateral with creditors. This will help you make your repayment plan more affordable.
- Modify a Chapter 13 repayment program. Your attorney can assist you in requesting a court order to modify or remove a Chapter 13 repayment plan if your circumstances change.
Rebuilding Credit After Bankruptcy
Overall, lawyers are skilled at ensuring that your case goes smoothly and allows you to fully take advantage of your new start. Sometimes, however, things happen afterward that require attention. This is not uncommon.
If a creditor attempts collection of a bankruptcy debt, your attorney can help. Many attorney offer guidance for rebuilding credit. Tenina Law will give you useful tips to help you make the most of the offers that you’re likely to get shortly after your case is closed.
Call Your Local San Fernando Valley Bankruptcy Lawyer Today!
You may temporarily forget about the overwhelming amount of debt you have. Seek the guidance of a San Fernando Valley bankruptcy attorney to help you get rid of all your debts and start a new life.
Experienced bankruptcy lawyers at Tenina Law can help you get on solid financial footing if you’re considering filing for bankruptcy. Tenina Law has over 20 years of experience and is dedicated to serving our clients. These areas of expertise ensure that our clients get the best possible outcome. Have questions about your particular case? Get in touch with us today!
[…] exemption. Unsecured creditors do not receive any additional money. Most cases allow you to walk away from your debts and keep your property. We will help you protect your property and maximize your exemptions if your […]
[…] Law has been helping clients in filing bankruptcy for 20 years. You are assured that our bankruptcy lawyers in California are ready to provide you with the best solutions when it comes to your problems. If you need the […]
[…] their local knowledge and experience with personnel and court procedures. Tenina Law is the best San Fernando Valley bankruptcy lawyer. Contact us today so we can give you the best legal […]